Project Details

For many years, there has been informal parking available next to the CPKC railway along Daggett Street, east of Veterans Way. The objective of this project is to upgrade parking surface with asphalt (see Area 1 in image below).

Part of the construction includes installing fencing along CPKC railway right-of-way (see Area 2 in image above) and cleaning up of Town-owned property, 30 South Railway Street, west of Lineham Avenue, to keep the area properly maintained (see Area 3 in the image above).The work also includes installing Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure (for future vehicle charging stations) along the south side of Daggett Street (see Area 1 in image below).

The project will increase parking capacity and aesthetics; approximately 70 stalls (including accessible parking) are anticipated. Paving and formalizing this as an approved parking location will provide clarity for usage.

Parking Lot Open

The newly paved and improved Daggett Street parking lot along the fenced CPKC rail tracks is ready for parking! A friendly reminder that the parking style has changed to reverse angle parking to help improve visibility for drivers and passenger safety. Please be kind while drivers adjust to this change. Note that minor construction work is still ongoing in this area including fence adjustments and parking signage installation.

Parking Style Change

This project introduces reverse angle parking as a pilot project. Signage similar to the image below will be installed in the parking area to indicate the change from drive-in to reverse angle parking.

Image: DriveSmart BC

Some of the benefits of reverse angle parking include:

  1. Improves visibility for drivers exiting the parking stall and entering moving traffic
  2. Improves passenger safety, ease of loading, and visibility for cyclists
  3. Research indicates fewer collisions (compared to drive-in & parallel) and requires less maneuvering than parallel parking