Parking Changes

There will be some changes, but on-street parking is not being removed from Main Street (Elizabeth, McRae, and North Railway Streets). This project does not include blanket parking removal, but some existing parking stalls will be affected. You can see examples of this on the preliminary design drawings, such as at intersections where new pedestrian crosswalks are being added.

2024 Downtown Parking Study

The Town updated its downtown parking study in 2024. See below for parking analysis figures and facts.

As Okotoks grows, we need to carefully manage the available on-street parking. The Town does this by periodically counting the number of available on- and off-street parking stalls and observing how many are used throughout the day and during peak hours. This helps us understand where localized parking “hot spots” might be arising. If needed, the Town will address new parking issues, potentially study them, gather input from the public or nearby businesses, implement a change, and generally manage parking demand and supply.

Temporary parking solutions are scheduled to correspond with each construction phase. For instance, the Daggett Street parking area (east of Veterans Way) was completed before the commencement of construction next spring to offset the parking temporarily impacted by construction.