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Vision & Guiding Principles

The 2018 Downtown Urban Design Master Plan provided guidance for the development of the proposed new area redevelopment plan. During the first engagement process for Our Plan for Downtown, we heard that some refinement is needed and the conceptual ideas are not hitting the mark. The vision and principles of the plan have been updated to provide clearer language and be more inclusive of the whole downtown area.

What We Learned table identifying what was heard during previous community engagement, such as the need to simplify the vision, maximize parking opportunities, and provide more guidance on historical buildings.

Vision and Guiding Principles

Downtown is the social, cultural, and economic heart of the Town; through the continued evolution of a unique, walkable district that attracts people and investment.
  • Vibrant Economy and Active Spaces

    The Downtown economy is active with people walking, shopping, mingling, eating, and enjoying the many things to do in the Downtown. Public and private sites are designed to create lively and engaging spaces where people can gather and move around safely and easily using all modes of transportation, with special emphasis on pedestrians.

  • Connected and Walkable

    The Downtown is physically connected with ease of movement for people with all levels and types of mobility – walking, rolling, riding, and driving. A multi-modal network of sidewalks, pathways, and roads connects people throughout the Downtown.

  • Celebrate Unique Character

    The unique architectural character of each Downtown area is celebrated and maintained through flexible and adaptable design guidelines and policy.

  • Create a Green Oasis

    Places, buildings and streets are designed as green oasis within the Town, an opportunity to connect with nature and reduce climate change impacts through a strong tree canopy, connection to the river and numerous connections to parks, plazas, and recreation areas.

  • A Place to Live

    Downtown is a desired place to live for people of all ages with amenities, gathering areas, and a diversity of housing creating a strong sense of community.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Phone 403-938-4404