Downtown's Next Chapter Feedback

We are seeking your feedback on the Downtown’s Next Chapter. Please provide your comments by July 2, 2024.

Project Overview

The Town of Okotoks is dedicated to improving and enriching our downtown to benefit everyone in our community. The Downtown’s Next Chapter is a part of the Town’s long-term vision and strategy to improve the downtown and support development now and into the future.

Elevating the downtown into a thriving gathering space will:

  • Support businesses
  • Foster community pride
  • Promote economic growth
  • Improve safety and accessibility for years to come

Request for Feedback - Complete the Survey

We are seeking feedback at this time on some aspects including:

  • Main Street construction impacts for directly impacted businesses and residences
  • Design concepts for Pisttoo and Triangle parks
  • The vision, goals and principles of the downtown’s policy plan, Our Plan for Downtown

Each survey section includes summary information for your convenience in reviewing the material. The full project information is available by reviewing the open house panels. We encourage you to review this information prior to moving forward.

Your answers to these questions are confidential.