Project Info

We're upgrading the playground structure in Suntree Park and we need your help to choose the new playground design. You may remember that we did a similar survey last summer. The Suntree Park playground is nearing its maximum lifespan of 25 years according to safety standards and will require upgrades within the next two years. Based on survey data collected last year, we recognize further engagement is required regarding the design of the new play equipment. We heard your feedback and came up with two new design concepts that address your initial concerns, while aligning with the updated specification and component guidelines required for Neighbourhood Parks.


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Quick Poll

Which Suntree playground design do you like best?

After reviewing the design options below, please select your preferred design.

This poll has concluded.

  • Design Option 1
    35% (60 votes)
  • Design Option 2
    65% (113 votes)
Total Votes: 173

Design Options

Review design options 1 and 2.