Project Info

We're upgrading the playground structure in Crystal Ridge and we need your help to choose the new playground design.

You may have remembered that we did a similar survey last summer. We heard you and came up with two new concepts that align with the new specification and component guidelines required for neighbourhood parks.

What are the playground requirements for Neighbourhood Parks?

  • Must include one main structure with at least five components (e.g. slide, swing bay, climber, play panel, spinning, and overhead)
  • Must accommodate both age groups: 2-5 years and 5-12 years.
  • All playgrounds are to have at minimum of one inclusive component, such as saucer swings.

Why are we replacing the playground?

  • The playground structure has been inspected and is nearing its end of life in terms of safety, age and ability to get replacement parts.
  • The existing playground structure does not meet the latest safety standards and codes.

Vote Here!

Quick Poll

Which playground design do you like best?

After reviewing the design options below, please select your preferred design.

This poll has concluded.

  • Design Option 1
    39% (62 votes)
  • Design Option 2
    61% (96 votes)
Total Votes: 158

Design Options

Review design options 1 and 2.