Ask a Question

Ask Town Councillors about your neighbourhood, current topics, upcoming projects, recent decisions or whatever is on your mind. Submit your questions via the Q&A tool below.

Chat In-Person

Occasionally, there will be in person Council Connector opportunities to give the community additional time to chat live with Council. Watch for those special dates to be added here.

Take a Councillor for Coffee

Connect with a member of Okotoks Town Council over coffee to discuss the topics that matter most to you! Simply fill out the online form, including "Take a Councillor for Coffee" in the subject line, and share your discussion topic in the comment field. Fill out the online form to request a meeting (subject to availability).

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Our Councillors

Tanya Thorn


Tanya was elected as a Councillor in 2013 and elected as Mayor in 2021. She has a strong belief in the power of community.

Oliver Hallmark


Since moving to Okotoks in 2007, Oliver has contributed to the Okotoks community through his commitment to volunteerism and entrepreneurship.

Ken Heemeryck


Ken has lived in Okotoks for over 40 years and feels he's raising his family in the best community in Canada. He has served on Council since 2013.

Gord Lang


Gord has lived, worked & played in Okotoks for over 28 years. As a member of Council, he's excited to make Okotoks even stronger as a community.

Brent Robinson


Brent has a passion to serve and give back to his community. He wants to see that Okotoks remains a great place for people to live and thrive.

Rachel Swendseid


Born & raised here Rachel has called Okotoks home for 30+ years. Rachel has worked with many local families & has a background in environmental work.