About the Project

The North Point Area Structure Plan (NPASP) will establish policy for Okotoks’ northeast employment lands to accommodate a mix of industrial, commercial and recreational land uses intended to capitalize on the proximity to Highway 2 and a future interchange at Highway 2 and 338 Avenue, including:

  • Proposed land uses and densities;
  • Expectations for existing and future development;
  • A strategy to establish and evolve a variety of industrial and commercial types of businesses that reflect future market demand and the availability of transportation and utility servicing infrastructure;
  • A strategy to establish a coordinated approach to urban design along 338 Avenue to provide an attractive gateway corridor for the Town;
  • Policies to guide the phasing of industrial and commercial development based on available water and sewer servicing capacity and transportation access; and,
  • Policies that seek to preserve and enhance lands with environmental and/or historical sensitivities.

Community Engagement

Thank you for attending our open house in May and for sharing your thoughts with us. Please click the link below to find our what we learned at the in-person event and through online engagement.

What We Learned Report

For another opportunity to provide your input on the proposed plan, a public hearing is being held as part of the July 15 Council meeting where the public can address Town Council.

Project Background

The following provides information about the rationale, process and technical details on the proposed plan.

What's an ASP?

An Area Structure Plan (ASP) is a statutory plan that requires Council approval. An ASP provides information at the conceptual level for:

  • Community vision and guiding principles
  • Proposed land uses and distribution
  • Expected population densities
  • General location of major transportation routes
  • General location of water, sanitary, and stormwater utilities
  • Phasing of development in the plan area
  • Any other matters that Administration and/or Council considers necessary.

The Municipal Government Act (MGA) provides the authority to municipalities for the preparation and adoption of ASPs.

The Okotoks Municipal Development Plan (MDP) identified the northeast portion of Okotoks as one of several future growth areas for which Area Structure Plans (ASP) will be prepared. The direction from the MDP is to prioritize employment-generating land uses to achieve a more sustainable economy, with increased local employment opportunities.

Planning and Development Hierarchy


Please click the links below to review NPASP Land Use Concept, Development Servicing & Transportation, Mobility and Open Space.

Land Use Concept

Development Servicing

Transportation, Mobility & Open Space

To review the entire draft plan, please click the link below.

North Point Area Structure Plan Draft


The NPASP is a statutory plan, that, upon review and adoption by Okotoks Town Council, will provide a policy framework to guide the development of approximately 246 hectares (608 acres) of land located along the northeastern boundary of Okotoks, bisected by Highway 2 as indicated in both the purple and red triangles in the image below.

Initial stages of development are expected to accommodate larger sites for businesses that require minimal servicing. This will transition towards more diverse types of businesses once urban servicing becomes available within the area.

Vision & Goals


The North Point ASP area is envisioned to become a prominent business park that features lands targeted for industrial development and employment, and also includes areas that could accommodate eco-industrial development, and an agricultural science hub. It is anticipated the ASP lands will transition over the next 20 years from primarily agricultural land uses to a range of light industrial, agri-business and recreational uses. Given the prominence of the Plan Area’s location, the area north and south of 338 Avenue E will become a high-visibility corridor, creating a prominent gateway into the Town of Okotoks.


  1. To accommodate a wide range of land uses including, but not limited to agri-related business and research,
  2. light and medium industrial and logistics, advanced manufacturing, commercial, and regional recreation.
  3. To design an eco-industrial business park mindful of the evolution of future market, research and land conditions while considering environmental best practices.
  4. To establish a development strategy that creates a visually appealing gateway into the Town of Okotoks.
  5. To develop and maintain an appropriate interface with Foothills County and adjacent residential communities.
  6. To accommodate active transportation pathway connections within the Plan Area and connecting to surrounding communities.


The NPASP will be informed by a number of technical studies to ensure the long-term sustainability of potential development on these lands.

A number of studies were undertaken to better understand the plan area and any constraints that exist that would impact development. These studies included:

  • Traffic Impact Assessment
  • Biophysical Overview
  • Environmental Site Assessment Phase 1
  • Master Drainage Plan
  • Water Servicing Study
  • Sanitary Servicing Study

Servicing Design Brief

  • Identify and review the onsite servicing requirements for both a permanent and interim solution for water and sanitary services.
Stormwater Management Plan
  • Identify optimal stormwater management practices to be implemented in order to meet the regional guidelines.

Highway 2/338 Avenue

  • The ASP aligns with Alberta Transportation’s development of an operational plan for the Highway 2 and 338 Avenue interchange. The Functional Planning Study was completed in 2023. The interchange will serve as a primary driver for the ASP’s land use strategy; leveraging economic development opportunities in the region.
Transportation Impact Assessment (TIA)
  • Identify the impacts of the proposed development on the existing and future transportation network and identify required roadway needs.

The existing environmental conditions of the ASP area will be documented. Areas of potential environmental significance or sensitivity that require special consideration during land use planning will be identified.